Think Positive


I think it is very easy for us to see the negative side of things and have a glass half empty view of the world. When we are feeling down it is a lot easier for us to think about all the other bad times we have had and it can all get too much at times. Therefore, I think it is very important for us to make an effort to see the positive side of things.

I am going to make a conscious effort to change my mind set and have a more positive outlook on my life. I'm sure there will still be days when I'll feel down and can't see that anything good has happened but I don't want to feel like that all of the time. I will be aiming to do three things a day to get me to think more positively and have a better outlook on life.

1. Start the day with positive thoughts

When I wake up I want to be in a positive mind set so I will tell myself that 'today is going to be a good day' and I will get things done that I need to achieve. I think this will make a huge difference to my motivation and I will actually get things done instead of feeling sorry for myself. I think your mindset can have a big influence on your actions so it's like a domino effect where if you think negatively things will go wrong.

2. Write down at least one positive thing that has happened that day

At the end of each day I will reflect on my day and pick out at least one thing that I liked or that went well. Even if I have had a bad day overall, it is likely that one thing I did went well. This will help me to focus on the positive things, even when there aren't many, rather than the negatives.

3. Think of some pros of any situation that is troubling me

If I am upset about how a situation has turned out during the day, I will try to think of it's positives instead of the negatives. I think this will take the most effort out of my three changes, as I will need to do it constantly throughout the day, but I also think it will have the biggest impact on my mindset. Being able to see both sides of the situation will help me to make a better decision rather than going with my instinct of it being a bad situation.

I think these will really help me when I go back to uni as it can be stressful, especially with having a job and trying to keep a social life. I hope this helps you and let me know in the comments if you have any other tips to help people stay positive!

Bye :)


  1. I love the idea, it's so hard to put in practice though! But I was just thinking of this as I was writing my reflection blog post. It's so much better to think of the positive side of things because we can't control what happening to us; we can choose to look at the good or bad! Nice post!

    1. It won't be easy but it is definitely worth trying to be more positive!

  2. This is such a good idea; having chronic illnesses makes me sometimes forget that life can still be positive. Depression is a big demon in my life, but I think these tips are something I need to start implementing to see if I can see the positives in my days.xx

    1. It will be worth it even if you only do it on some days!

  3. Love your post. Look on a bright side of life always.

  4. What great prompts that are easy to apply but can make a real difference. It's not always easy but staying balanced and looking for a bright side can bring a perspective to things x

    1. Sometimes it will be difficult but an extra bit of effort could make a big difference

  5. I love these :) I also try and think of positive things that have happened before I go to bed, it makes me happier when I go to sleep and then I wake up happier. xx

    1. Yeah! It helps me feel like I've had a good day even if something wasn't great

  6. I always encourage my young athletes who I mentor that having a positive mindset is one core key to having a successful life. I loved this post hun. xx


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